The Story Behind Failure: Copenhagen’s Business District Ørestad

The Story Behind Failure: Copenhagen’s Business District Ørestad


Exploring the planning politics behind the problematic realization of one of Denmark's most prestigious commercial developments.

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”Recently we have witnessed the mounting of very large development projects in European and American cities. There is a striking physical similarity among the schemes and also a convergence embodied in private-sector involvement and market orientation.” (Fainstein, 2009: 768)

Although joint collaborations in the form of public-private partnerships are by no means new, they gain importance in all levels of present large-scale urban developments in Europe. The increasing number of alliances between state and private capital mirrors a market-led approach to city planning and reminds us of the relevance of a debate around this matter.
The term ‘public-private partnership’ is to be understood as a negotiated business deal in which trade-offs are made, and risks, benefits and profits are shared (Longa, 2011). The cooperative partnership applied to urban models will have a big impact on the way we plan cities and the question is how to keep the balance between “control and laissez-faire” (Christiaanse, 2009: 22).

Zoom one: Europe
According to Christiaanse (2009) European cities seem to have developed a new generation of tools for urban development. This reflects a Europe where
“cities are copying each other’s formulas and specific characteristics” (Mimica: in Christiaanse, 2009: 53). This dedication to a common toolbox in urban planning makes it possible to have a debate around current trends in urban management across Europe. The point of departure for this discussion is set in Ørestad, Copenhagen – however the same study could equally well have been carried out in a dozen of other mid-sized cities in Europe.

The European planning trend illustrates an increased use of the strategic master plan in which public-private partnerships play a significant role and it also illustrates a shift away from traditional planning tools, as we know it from the zoning plan (Christiaanse, 2009). This is also present in Copenhagen and the following will depict the shift from a period of stable development, exemplified by the ‘Finger Plan’ to one of market-oriented thinking.

The Story Behind Failure: Copenhagen’s Business District Ørestad

The Finger Plan for Greater Copenhagen.

Zoom two: Copenhagen
Worked out in 1947 the ‘Finger Plan’ became a representation of modern state-led planning in Copenhagen. Especially after the Second World War the plan successfully helped control suburbanization in corridors around infrastructural veins that were connected to central Copenhagen by a rail system. In between the linear suburban developments, green zones prospered (Hartoft-Nielsen, 2007).

It was the ‘regional plan committee’ under the state that formed the layout of the Finger Plan and their initial inspiration for the plan was found in Abercrombie’s ‘Greater London Plan 1944’ (Jensen, 1990). From 1947 approximately 240.000 new housing units were constructed. Planning, rationalization and industrialization of the housing construction following Le Corbusier and CIAM Modernist principles were prevailing and reflected a new, strong relation between the architect and its client – the state.

As the Finger Plan took shape, so did the city. The most privileged population saw itself moving out into the suburbs leaving behind inner-city neighbourhoods in poor conditions. Two major issues influenced the decision making of the Copenhagen authorities at this point. Firstly, the suburbanized control in a northwest direction towards other municipalities resulted in an erosion of the tax base of the city of Copenhagen (Majoor, 2008). Secondly, an international debate around the issue of globalization and city competition arose and pushed Copenhagen into new metropolitan strategies and partnerships to attract affluent inhabitants.

Similar to a number of other cities, a renewed focus was put on the industrial areas along the harbour front. This provided opportunities for new approaches in the property market and for new collaborations between private investors and the public sector. The ambitions were high and the atmosphere became almost euphoric: the development of the North Harbor, the Inner Harbor (providing the Copenhageners with a new Theatre House by Lundgaard/Tranberg, a new Opera House by Henning Larsen and a new Arts Academy at Holmen), the South Harbor (with the Harbor Bath of PLOT and MVRDV’s silo-dwellings at Islands Brygge; and Sluseholmen by Sjoerd Soeters) and with the development of Ørestad (with a.o. the Concert Hall of Jean Nouvel). As you can already tell by the number of acclaimed masterpieces it was nearly as constructing a new Copenhagen within the existing one. It can be argued that the many new developments along the harbour front became a competitive factor and very influential on the outcome of the Ørestad project.

Another important focus was put on the new cross-border region between Copenhagen and Malmö and the connection with the Kastrup International Airport, placing the region as a new focal point in the Nordic domain. And since the East opened with the fall of the Iron Curtain and Sweden and Finland were going to be part of the EU in the near future, Copenhagen was made to be a new focal point in Scandinavia.

In many ways the development of Ørestad epitomized a break with the original Finger Plan. First of all the orientation of development altered – pointing eastwards towards Malmö away from the fingers, secondly the planning of Ørestad reflected the changed role of the state – now working in closer relation to private investors.

“Following a long period of stable development of the welfare city, in which the relationships between different stakeholders were fairly constant and the planning system was very influential, the impact of globalization and market-oriented thinking tore what seemed to be a well-established order into pieces” (Kvorning in: Christiaanse, 2009: 175)

The Story Behind Failure: Copenhagen’s Business District Ørestad


Zoom three: Ørestad
Walking through the streets of Ørestad one remembers a critique often heard: the fragmented urban fabric is vast and compiled by public spaces of poor quality. It can be hypothesized that an unequal balance within the public-private alliance caused a disjointed urban tissue in Ørestad City. To explain this assumption we will point at two critically discussed and characteristic objects in the plan: the metro and the shopping mall.

The metro
The formulation of the policies behind the embryonic, driverless metro in Ørestad had two goals. The one goal was to realize a new public transport system, which would be directed by the Ørestad Development Corporation (owned by the city of Copenhagen and the Ministry of Finance) to service not only Ørestad but also Malmö and Copenhagen – the other goal was to sell out building sites along this new metro line “especially targeting high-paying multinational private firms” (Majoor, 2008: 138). The profits from the sales of these sites would then consequently finance the metro.

This alliance made around the development of the metro was a way to share risk and profit, but at the same time it provoked a dependency between the two actors. Whether this state of reliance was to be considered beneficial or not – whether it was favourable for the state to rely profoundly on private investors – is a cornerstone in the debate around public-private collaborations.

The same alliance can be associated with what Richard Sennett disapprovingly refers to as ‘the closed system’ – ruled by the balance of income and expenses:
“The closed system ruled by equilibrium derives from a pre-Keynesian idea of how markets work. It supposes something like a bottom line in which income and expenses balance […] familiar to urban planners in the ways infrastructure resources for transport get allocated.” (Sennett, 2006: 2)

In the planning of the metro, a system similar to that of ‘the closed system’ became the fundament for the development. Without the metro there would be no Ørestad – and the two, as we shall see, became heavily dependent on each other. By stressing the importance of the metro and the new bridge to Malmø, the Ørestad Development Corporation furthermore tried to evoke an image of connectivity, aiming at a cosmopolitan user group in a global setting.

Despite big anticipations, the Ørestad Development Corporation was faced with substantial challenges, as the development of the metro didn’t go as planned. This turned out to be the most crucial issue in the development of the Ørestad project. Massive cost overruns in the metro construction, disappointing ticket sales, larger debts than foreseen, a severe lack of interest in the building plots around the metro line – subsequently forced the Ørestad Corporation to serve according to harsh market terms opposite to the initial urban planning ideas and allowed the private Norwegian developer Steen & Strøm to construct a huge inward-facing shopping mall at the most prominent location in Ørestad (Majoor, 2008). We argue that the shopping mall is the most visible result of the state’s turn towards market-oriented planning.

The shopping mall
The shopping mall became a safeguard project for the state. Opened on 9th of March 2004 the huge box-type centre, named Fields, with vast display windows and only one huge, main entrance dropped down at one of the most alluring parcels in the centre of Ørestad. The state had found a project to generate revenues to pay back the large debts from the metro investments. Enthusiastically the Ørestad Development Corporation congregated and advertised the initiative:

“Fields is the largest shopping and leisure centre in Scandinavia [178.999 m2] Besides a wide choice of shops, the centre also boasts many different restaurants and leisure activities, e.g. a children’s fun centre, a 12 hole indoor golf course, hairdressers and a fitness centre. In the future there will also be offices, a hotel and a cinema” (Christensen, 2007: 42)
Establishing Fields on the one hand bailed out the Ørestad Development Corporation of its at that time severe debt operating closely on the premises of the private sector, on the other hand outdistanced the connection to citizens and their local needs. This could be seen in the light of three issues:

1. Launching Fields had been decided by the Ørestad Development Corporation, thus supported by the state, against Danish planning guidelines, which prevented large out-of-town shopping centre construction to protect local trade (Majoor, 2008).
2. The whole Ørestad project was initially controversial: the area was vacant because it was a protected natural park. With the Fields initiative the controversy became further intensified by assertions from environmentalists groups who referred to the expected increase in car traffic (Majoor, 2008). The Ørestad Development Corporation ignored this citizen-represented group.
3. With regard to street liveliness the central area of Ørestad, with the construction of Fields, ultimately lost its opportunity for real urban quality. As raised by Kvorning: “The large shopping mall was allowed to turn in an inward-facing direction, without the slightest attempt to create life in the surrounding streets” (Kvorning in Christiaanse, 2009: 187).

Research of ‘Kay Fiskers Square’ (the new central square in Ørestad) by Jan Gehl substantiates this assertion. In spite of 7000 pedestrians daily the square remains rather empty all day. The average number of people present on the square is 5.5, which reflects the transitional rush from the metro to Fields. As comparison is given the ‘Aker Brygge Square’ in Oslo which is used by 5000 pedestrians daily but has an average number of 212 people present on the square (Gehl, 2007).

As an object, the shopping mall in Ørestad remains one of the most present results of the state’s panicked turn towards private-sector involvement and market orientation. Fields generates a big turnover thus belonging to the group of big-profit forms that Fainstein has described as “luxury residences and hotels, large-footprint office towers and shopping malls […] lacking the layering of old and new, small and big, that gives central cities their ambiance and opportunities.” (Fainstein, 2009: 783)

The outcome of especially the Ørestad City, mentioned above, is not a fruitful situation for neither private nor public developers. It is obvious that within a public-private partnership both sectors want minimum risk and maximum profit. Despite Ørestad Development Corporation’s initial ambitions for urbanity the risk of joining the project has proved huge: very little profit is made at the moment as most apartments and office projects are impossible to rent out or sell.

The Story Behind Failure: Copenhagen’s Business District Ørestad

Amsterdam Zuidas.

Looking abroad
In France an interesting alternative variant of the public-private model exists: Société d’Economie Mixte (SEM). Here developers obtain only up till 10% of the profit. Profit beyond that will be shared, meaning that half of it goes directly back to the state. In this way SEM is a variant of the public-private partnership where the risk levels and the profit levels are clearly clarified – this results in a better balance between public and private interests and limits the number of private investors only seeking short-term high revenues. For the developers on the other hand, the big advantage is that, because the state is profoundly involved, they are sure of high investments in infrastructure and (preferably) in the quality of the built environment.

In Amsterdam the public-private partnership model proved to be a highly desirable one when used for the redevelopment of the Eastern Harbour District. A strong publicly framed development corporation (led by the municipality – Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening – and with Soeters, West 8 and Coenen as executing design responsible for the different areas) safeguarded the project from the beginning and limited the risk for private investors joining. The development of The Eastern Harbour District proves that cooperation between the public and private sectors can offer high quality results with a good public outcome. Its success may also be seen in the perspective of its scale, its primary aim at housing development and its close connection to the city center. The profitable outcome of the Eastern Harbour District, however, remains a counterpoint to the problematic development of the Zuidas in the same city. The critiques of the Amsterdam Zuidas show similarities to those of Ørestad: being a very large-scale development, with a strong business orientation and a particular focus on infrastructural requirements – factors that involve large public investments and factors that raise the urge for high profits. As a consequence, negative pressure is put on the urban quality.

The Story Behind Failure: Copenhagen’s Business District Ørestad

Public space in Ørestad.


The lost ones – urban use values and democratic space
Throughout this essay we highlighted the danger of a low quality urban space in relation to the state’s turn towards market-oriented planning. The Ørestad project started with an overwhelming array of optimism and ambitions, glossy project folders and flashy websites presented an image of the development as becoming the opposite of a dull and monotonous place, full of vibrant urbanity. But if we look at the built environment of Ørestad today we see that large parts of the urban areas are disjointed with “architecturally indifferent and totally oblivious objects” (Kvorning: in Christiaanse: 187). Numerous previous studies already revealed the difficulties in transforming the often imaginative intentions for new urbanity into a built reality. The public spaces in Ørestad lack the friction of user groups and ownership, the overlap of scales, to be successful.

The aim of Ørestad to create a vibrant urban life and at the same time primarily service an affluent cosmopolitan elite runs the danger of ending up with public spaces that are too homogeneous. Furthermore, the privately developed individual architectural masterpieces have a tendency to stop designing at their front door, resulting in a cityscape as an ‘island of blocks’ with a lack of coherence and resistance in the public realm.

“Throughout Ørestad’s development there were huge difficulties connecting the project to the social, civic and cultural domain. In the initial phase, the project was heavily criticized for its exceptional status, and this made it more difficult for non-governmental groups and citizens to participate and influence its development.” (Majoor 2008: 129)

The second aspect in this discussion is concerned about the role of the government vis-à-vis private investors and its negligence towards ‘the third player’ – the citizens and NGO’s.

What we have seen working well in e.g. Spitalfields in London, where groups like Spitalfields Small Business Association challenged the planning of the city from below, this kind of dynamics hardly had influence in any part of the Ørestad project. Because of the scale of the plan and driven by the need for high profits, the Ørestad project developed in a top-down and non-participatory way. This while Denmark traditionally has a strongly present civil society and participatory local government system. Furthermore, because of the environmental issues at hand in the area, there was enough reason for public discussion and protest. In the case of Ørestad however, the government gave an ‘exceptional status’ to the development because of its (inter)national importance, ruling out local influences. This may have been productive on a management level, but had a very negative effect on the judgement of the project in the public opinion.

“City marketing may be dangerous if it leads to crucial aspects for future development such as social considerations being left behind” (Schüller in: Christiaanse, 2009: 70)

When politicians hand over too much power to private parties they lose the opportunity to take local interests into consideration. This undermines the local democratic process and can be a negative effect of the public-private partnership. As we have seen, the public-private partnership can be successful, yet the Ørestad project shows that an important factor in guaranteeing urban quality is to keep public influence throughout the process.

“The contemporary mega-projects […] indicate that public-private partnerships can be a vehicle for the provision of public benefits, including job commitments, cultural facilities and affordable housing. They also show, however, that such projects are risky for both public and private participants, must primarily be oriented towards profitability, and typically produce a landscape dominated by bulky buildings that do not encourage urbanity, despite the claims of the project’s developers.” (Fainstein, 2009: 783)

A multifaceted profession
It is exactly this difficult balance put forward by Fainstein that we discussed. This essay doesn’t try to blame the public-private model for certain urban failures, but rather tries to make clear what factors are determining a positive or negative outcome. Looking at the role that, for instance, architectural firm BIG played in the Ørestad development, this leaves us with the question how we should position ourselves as architects and urban planners in this contemporary power structure. Should we work in close affiliation with private investors who give us room to express ourselves – or will this limit our social role? Will the state only allow us to build the mediocre – or do we need public influence to add meaningful and long-lasting buildings and spaces to the city? In the precarious balance of public-private partnerships the answer of our discipline to those questions will be crucial in guaranteeing the quality of our future environments.

Lea Olsson studied at the AA in London where she obtained an MA at the chair of Housing and Urbanism. After her research-master in London, she is currently graduating as an architect at the School of Architecture in Copenhagen. Previously she worked for a.o. the Danish office Vandkunsten and the Dutch office OMA. 
Jan Loerakker is an architect and recently joined Failed Architecture. He worked as a researcher for a.o. Design as Politics and Crimson Architectural Historians and is currently working for Gottlieb Paludan Architects in Copenhagen.
Your article is factually incorrect in claiming that there is only one entrance to Field's. In fact the shopping centre has four entrances - one in each direction. You would have known this had you simply bothered to visit the place in question before putting your pen to paper...
Peter G. de Bois
'Exploring the Public City, Improving the space between buildings'(Link) Copenhagen Technical Academy (CTA). 2010 Exploring the Public city (EPC) is a yearly, international academicevent focused on the topic of ‘strategic public spaces for sustainable New Town development’.
Peter G. de Bois
Please look at my linkedin website and see our R&D publication about Ørestad 'Exploring the Public City, Improving the space between buildings'(Link) Copenhagen Technical Academy (CTA). 2010 Exploring the Public city (EPC) is a yearly, international academicevent focused on the topic of ‘strategic public spaces for sustainable New Town development’.
Peter G. de Bois
Please look at my linkedin website and see our R&D publication about Ørestad 'Exploring the Public City, Improving the space between buildings'(Link) Copenhagen Technical Academy (CTA). 2010 Exploring the Public city (EPC) is a yearly, international academicevent focused on the topic of ‘strategic public spaces for sustainable New Town development’. you can download the pubication on my linkedinsite
Bernard Oberholzer
Having visited Copenhagen in 2001, and having been immensely impressed by the examples of both old and new low-rise high-density housing, and having extolled the virtues of Copenhagen as one of the most people and bicycle-friendly cities in the world, this recent trend seems to be a BIG disappointment and a step in the wrong direction. I would love to hear Jan Gehl's views on Orestad. The jukky promotional video for Orestad is in sharp contrast to Jan's own video on 'Cities for People'.
John Walls
Hi Nicholas, I tried calling your number. However, as I didn't get the right person, I'm assuming it may be an overseas number. I'm happy to exchange emails with you. My email address is John
Nichols Falk
John, I fully agree we need to start with development frameworks, rather than masterplans. We also should be tapping into lower cost long term debt finance for land assembly and related infrastructure to develop major sites. I fear the weak point in the UK is the capacity to evaluate which projects to back, and how to make them more viable. Perhaps the Homes and Communities Agency, formerly English Partnerships, has the potential. However it has none of the expertise of bodies like the Caisse des Depots in France of KfW in Germany. I am doing work on the subject and would welcome a word if you would like to get in touch. My number is 07811 266539. Nicholas
John Walls
Emil, a very interesting and thought provoking article. In the UK the PPP or Public Finance Initiative (PFI) as it started out was seen as a way to a) keep public expenditure off the books (think public debt and eligibility to join the Euro) and b) pass the risk to the private sector. The latter was really welcomed by the politicians who, in fairness to some (but not all), took the assertion at face value. My observation is that the approach has been principally used in the delivery of schools and hospitals in the UK with a poor success rate. What does the private sector do when competing for a PPP bid? They anticipate what all the potential risks are and adjust the estimated costs accordingly (ie on a gold-plated basis). The final bid is therefore overcooked by many percent. So the PPP development cannot help but be more expensive than the traditional approach especially as the private sector has to raise its funding from the financial market where interest rates are higher. Moreover, as the public sector is paranoid of the moral hazard in delivering a PPP project, they make the competitive rules so onerous that only big companies can afford to bid. So this significantly reduces competition. In addition, because the project is in the 'private realm' the whole bidding process loses transparency because the information is 'commercially sensitive'. It wouldn't do for competitors to see the information, you understand. This has resulted in developments in the UK which are often sold on to another contractor within 2 or 3 years of completion; ie they run off with the excess profit built into the contract and laugh all the way to the bank. Moreover, when unanticipated short comings materialise, the revenue stream that the new contractor enjoys will rarely cope with any adjustments to the development. Guess who pays when these short comings have to be dealt with - yes, the taxpayer! Finally the real problem with this kind of PPP is that 5 to 6 years down the line the politicians find that their ability to manage budgets is curtailed by committed revenue streams to pay off the PPP project which take an increasing proportion of the annual budget. So I am sceptical about PPP projects, especially when the public sector side do not procure and manage the delivery effectively. I understand in the case of Amsterdam's Eastern Docklands, that the Municipality managed the release of the docklands on a parcel by parcel basis to different developers to ensure competition and variety. It also provided them with the means to compare and contrast the performance of the different designers and contractors; ie ensure that they were 'street smart' and able to get the best out of the stakeholders involved. Moreover, the Municipality also exercised stewardship as the developments progressed so that flaws arising could be attended to speedily. Finally the municipality bore the infrastructure costs up front and they knew the scale of return and the housing densities required to cover costs. A very effective way to understand and manage risks. So the message is use PPPs at your peril. It doesn't mean they shouldn't be used but it is important that the public sector go in with eyes open and have the resources to manage the private sector contribution effectively. It's not that the private sector can't play a positive role and often inject innovation and vitality but they are there to make a profit. This sometimes means that their priorities are different from the commissioning public sector. So, as in democracy, vigilance is important. I would suggest that getting the right team and a good master plan are good starting points. However, the master plan is better thought of as a 'game plan' setting out priorities and principles which allows for mid-course corrections when circumstances change. These can be the financial climate, unexpected ground conditions, a failing contractor or whatever. This is inevitable with any long term large scale development. By the way did anyone notice that the people in David Libeskind's promo were the size of ants compared with the buildings? A reflection of priorities?
Jan Loerakker
@Nicholas Falk. Thanks for the comment. We agree that the starting intentions of the public driven development had a lot of potential (and might turn out successful in the future). But (besides the abovementioned possible discussion about the quality of the masterplan) I hope you agree that the process of incorporating the Field's shopping mall into the project, on which we focus, had a strong effect on the development of the area. We highlight in our article the change of power that the cost overrun of the metro caused (not criticizing the metro itself) a change that caused the public sector to allow elements (the huge shopping mall, the lowered citizen involvement etc) that have been contradicting to the original intentions of the plan. It's interesting to see that both your comment and that of BRK label our discussion on the wishful balance in a PPP as 'naïve' or 'conventional' - where we think it's a relevant issue to look in detail at certain aspects of the implementation of the PPP in different innternational contexts. / JL
Nicholas Falk
Orestad is a landmark in many ways, and it is naïve to criticise it for being very different from the rest of Copenhagen, or even to highlight the fact that private investment has fallen after the financial crisis in 2007. The important point surely is that Copenhagen is following a long-term plan of developing along a series of fingers, supported by high quality transit systems. The barrier of the sea has been overcome so that Malmo and Copenhagen form a single city region, to the advantages of both countries. The important lesson is that the project was driven by the public sector, rather than by a private development company, and as such offers an important model for other countries.
Jan Loerakker
@Jesper Pagh: Thanks for your comment. And yes, I will be participating at the conference next week. Hope to talk to you there. (& I will forward the paper to your e-mail)
Jesper Pagh
Thanks for the article and thanks for mentioning our conference! – are you coming yourself? There are definitely questions raised here that would be relevant to discuss next Thursday. Could you please point to the research article that I understand is informing this essay – or forward it to me on e-mail? I would like to dig a little bit further into some of your points as both Ørestad and PPP play central roles in my own research. Thanks. Jesper Pagh
Jan Loerakker
For those who are in Copenhagen around the 26th of September: hopefully we will be able to discuss some of the above raised questions at KADK's International Conference 'Forming Welfare'. (
George Surovov
great article!
Jan Loerakker
To add to my comment: On the point of conventional rhetoric, in my opinion this is besides the point. Since - even though fx. BIG positions itself as heroes of non-conventionalism - it doesn't seem to say much about wrong or right. In fact this discussion seems to pivot around a disagreement on the wishful balance between public and private (and hence on a political/subjective difference of taste). In your comment you blame all the flaws on the (public) design decisions in the masterplan. We on the contrary tried to highlight decisions made under pressure of political/economic forces (the mall, undemocratic exceptions etc) that might have had a negative impact as well. More fundamentally we seem to disagree on the trust you have in the aim for the common good of private parties. Out of four projects, you mention three BIG projects that had a private developer. And however good that might have turned out in this case (that's indeed largely for the inhabitants to judge), I hope you agree that we shouldn't count too blindly on market forces their good intentions (nor on the fact that the public sector is always right). Instead we - as architects - should take a critical stand towards the conditions we work in, to judge what we can and want to influence; not by sitting on the lap of private parties, not by an oversimplified always-positive appraoch, but by taking a stand in the debate (let's call it 'Constructive Criticism' in BIG-lingo*). That's why in the end of the article we asked the question: "Should we work in close affiliation with private investors who give us room to express ourselves, or will this limit our social role? And will the state only allow us to build the mediocre, or will we need public influence to add meaningful and long-lasting buildings and spaces to the city?" JL *For our architectural cooks, a recipe for BIG-lingo: 2 words, 2 Capitals and a spoonful of contradictio-in-terminis to give it that intelligent twist. #offtopic
Jan Loerakker
Dear BRK,\n\nThanks for your comment. Eventhough I agree with a part of your critique (we didn't analyse in detail the influence of the strategic masterplan), I strongly oppose your suggestion that the article is based on quick judgement. In fact the article is based on a longer and quite in depth researched essay written for the AA Housing and Urbanism Department in London. Eventhough the title might be slighly suggestive, I think the article as a whole gives a quite balanced image. Therefore I assume you slightly misjudged our argument. We don't simply blame the private sector for the current problems in Orestad, in fact we actually say that there are some very succesful examples of PPP's, but highlight the political decisions made by the public sector in the case of Orestad that had a very negative influence. F.x. the realisation of the Fields shopping mall that had a negative effect on the small scale retail you mention.\nFurthermore, I think the success or failure of the individual architectural objects is a discussion in itself. I agree that some of them function quite well (Tietgen/8-house, to a certain extent), but to let them be more than a stand-alone object, they need a strong public frame to prosper - a public frame that in the case of Orestad seems to function suboptimal at this point (partly because of the economically driven choices that this article focuses on, partly of course because of masterplan design decisions, fx. criticized as 'an archipelago of island-like blocks').\nAnother comment that should be added: to truly validate an area like this we might have to write this article again in 20 years. But we wanted to put emphasis on the background of a contemporary project, to give some insight in the strenghts and dangers of the currently much used PPP-model.\n\nI hope this partly answered your remarks,\nWith kind regards,\nJan Loerakker, co-author.
Lea Ollson seems to miss the point that Ørestad is almost entirely created by the Danish state and the municipality of Copenhagen and that all the major mistakes stem from ideologically driven decisions such as getting the cars out of sight to promote a public owned parking system, limiting the freedom to integrate retail and other public oriented programs on the ground floors throughout the city, the overabundance of public space that according Jan Gehl far exceeds the population required to fill it are all consequences of public planning not private developers. The successes in Ørestad such as Tietgen Kollegiet, the VM, The Mountain and The 8-House that have all created spaces that are inhabited and well loved by their inhabitants are the results of private foundations or developers attempting to get the best out of the conditions provided by the public. One of the critical voices in the article Jens Kvorning was in fact a jury member in the Ørestad competition and is as such greatly coresponsible for the chosen plan approach. Lea Ollsons article is shaped by stereotypical preconceptions driven by conventional rhetoric rather than careful analysis aimed at understanding.
Jan Loerakker
@Bourgogne. Unfortunately, I don't have any research on the Dream Hub myself, but you could try to contact/comment Jeong Hye Kim who wrote an article for us on Seoul: She might know more. If I hear anything of one of my colleagues I'll let you know! Good luck, and please keep us posted, Jan, F.A.
Dear Failed Architecture.... Do you have any research on the Dream Hub project failure in Seoul, South Korea? This project never broke ground as the issues sighted in your article were never sorted out between citizen groups and development interests. Any response is appreciated. Bourgogne
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