Paradise Lost: Birmingham’s Central Library and the Battle over Brutalism

Paradise Lost: Birmingham’s Central Library and the Battle over Brutalism

The last surviving relic of Britain's 'Motor City' is about to disappear thanks to Birmingham's lust for demolition and reinvention.

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‘Forward’. A single word, emblazoned at the foot of Birmingham’s coat of arms. Few mottos could better capture the mentality of Britain’s second largest city. Arguably no other place in the UK has been so relentless in seeking to erase the past and reinvent itself every few decades. And few places better exhibit this contradictory tendency, at once both hopeful and myopic, than Birmingham’s 1970s Central Library – loved and hated in equal measure, and now facing demolition at the end of the year.

"As to Birmingham’s buildings, there is little of real worth in our architecture. Its replacement should be an improvement… As for future generations, I think they will be better occupied in applying their thoughts and energies to forging ahead, rather than looking backward"
Sir Herbert Manzoni, Birmingham’s chief City Engineer from 1935 to 1963

The library squats at the civic heart of the city centre. Next to the elegant classical Town Hall and the grand Victorian municipal offices and art gallery, the discoloured concrete and top-heavy shape have long been decried as misshapen and out of place, looming uncomfortably over two of Birmingham’s best-loved buildings. Now empty, its demolition will make way for a generic multi-million-pound scheme of offices and retail, claimed to “open up” the city centre to create new views and linkages. The sparkly 21st Century replacement library named the “Library of Birmingham”, opened in September 2013 just a few hundred metres away.

Paradise Lost: Birmingham’s Central Library and the Battle over Brutalism

Central Library from Chamberlain Square. Prince Charles has famously described it as a “place where books are incinerated, not kept”.

When Central Library opened in 1974 – forty years ago – it was cited as the largest non-national library in Europe, and a powerful example of British Brutalism. It is composed of two parts: an extroverted three storey lending library, curving out into Chamberlain Square; and the larger eight storey reference section forming a bold inverted ziggurat, one of only two such examples in the world (the other being Boston City Hall). The concrete planes float above pillars now encased in glass, lending the top-heavy shape an improbable weightlessness. The vast interior spaces are low-ceilinged and cool, untouched by direct sunlight. The Central Library is the most notable component of Paradise Circus, a complex of tired concrete and glass buildings characterised by rough sleepers and graffiti; secret squares, dead ends, and grimy passageways.

Paradise Lost: Birmingham’s Central Library and the Battle over Brutalism

The Victorian municipal buildings butting up against the municipal Central Library.

The Central Library is part of a much larger story of post-war Birmingham. Although devastated during the Birmingham Blitz, the city emerged in the 1950s as the UK’s most successful city outside of London. An array of manufacturing and a burgeoning office sector supported a population of over one million, with nearly zero percent unemployment. By 1961 household incomes in the West Midlands were 13 percent above the national average, exceeding even London and the South East. Birmingham’s sense of optimism and pride was near unbounded, a sense keenly reflected in the architecture and planning policies of the time.

The figure who defined this era perhaps more than any other was Sir Herbert Manzoni, Chief Engineer of the City for nearly thirty years and, thanks to his clear-headed vision and powers of persuasion, arguably the most powerful man in the City Council. His comprehensive redevelopment plans shaped Birmingham in a way no other individual had since the Victorian boom under the mayor Joseph Chamberlain.

Paradise Lost: Birmingham’s Central Library and the Battle over Brutalism

The newly built Central Library in the 1970s.

Aided by a ready supply of finance from central government and extensive powers for compulsory purchase, Birmingham started on a campaign of modernism matched by few other British cities. Gone were the overcrowded slums and the fussiness of grimy Victoriana. Shiny new office towers, the vast Bull Ring shopping centre, and a rebuild of the central train station transformed Birmingham into a modernist utopia: rosary beads of a hymn to progress, threaded together by a new ring motorway designed by Manzoni and completed in 1971. Just outside of the centre, the new national and regional motorways converged in a gravity-defying splatter known as “Spaghetti Junction”, soon one of the city’s most well-known landmarks. Birmingham was a paean to the automobile, the most American of the UK’s cities: our answer to Detroit.

The apex of this vision was the new Central Library. Conceived in the late 1960s by well-known local architect John Madin, the ziggurat was to be part of a vast new civic centre comprising of a School of Music, Drama Centre, offices, shops, a car park, and a new bus interchange. In typical modernist fashion, functions were vertically segregated: motorways underground, pedestrians up above, and all interlaced with new public gardens and large-scale water features. Madin intended the new building to be clad in Portland Stone, complementing the classical Town Hall next door. The largest library in Europe: the ultimate symbol of municipal confidence and authority.

Paradise Lost: Birmingham’s Central Library and the Battle over Brutalism

The ironically-named Paradise Place, with the only one of the water gardens to be built. Now colonised by gulls, litter, and the homeless.

Yet by the 1970s Birmingham’s step was faltering. The new national Labour government of 1964, fearing the growth of large industrial cities, announced that Birmingham was simply not to grow any more. Inner city slum populations were to be resettled in the surrounding towns, and new industries would be deflected to the deprived North-East and Wales. From 1965 onwards, all future office development was effectively banned. The city became gradually more and more dependent on a few aging key industries (mainly automobiles) whilst the population was either forcibly decamped or fled to the suburbs via the new roads, leaving the poor and elderly marooned in tower blocks girdled by elevated motorways.

The economic crisis of the 1970s and the restructuring that followed spelled disaster for Birmingham’s car industries. Within just a few years the GDP of the West Midlands region went from the second highest in the country to lowest; earnings from highest to lowest; and unemployment climbed to 20 per cent by 1982.

When the Central Library was designed in 1969, Birmingham was riding the crest of a wave. Yet even then, subsequent cut-backs attenuated Madin’s original proposals: the stone demoted to pre-cast concrete, the surrounding civic centre never leaving the drawing board. The bus interchange was built but never used. The striking and cavernous central atrium proved windy, cold and damp, so was soon enclosed by glass and colonised by tatty fast food restaurants. Only one of the seven planned water gardens was built. It was never finished.

In the face of Birmingham’s economic meltdown and difficulty adjusting to a post-industrial landscape, the flyovers and tower blocks came to symbolise everything wrong with post-war planning and design: bureaucratic, paternalistic, almost authoritarian. A city of urine-soaked subways, deadened public spaces, and roaring traffic. Britain’s “Motor City” was a concrete jungle, the thundering motorways a cruel reminder of all that had been lost. It is a reputation that the city has been battling against ever since.

Paradise Lost: Birmingham’s Central Library and the Battle over Brutalism

The ring road still thunders underneath the library.

The Central Library no longer has a place in Birmingham’s vision of itself. Birmingham is a city that wants to be business- and pedestrian-friendly; a cultural hub rather than a car hub. The concrete Bull Ring shopping centre has been given a glittering and futuristic makeover. The inner ring road has been levelled, replaced with an urban boulevard. The bunker-like train station is in the midst of a Gehry-esque renovation. The final piece of the jigsaw is the Central Library, with what is left of the inner ring road roaring beneath it. The last relic of an era when Birmingham was the most innovative, powerful and modern of the UK’s regional cities: the surviving dinosaur of Motor City.

John Mason is a native of Birmingham currently completing his MA in Urban Studies at the University of Vienna.
As a school student using the old Madin building, it was an awful experience. Long long walk up the steps and then up more steps to the social sciences floor,with logjams on stairs. When you go there it was dismally lit and without enough toilets. Classic example of designing a buildiing without giving much thought to the users
Matin Durrani
The library building, which was demolished in 2016, was impressive. Unfortunately, it was surrounded by piss-stained detritus (like the water garden shown above), raised on stilts above a thundering ring road, and snubbed the surrounding Victorian buildings. I don't think too many tears have been shed now that the site is being redevloped. Especially when you look at the gorgeous Victorian library that was pulled down after the 1970s library was built.
Peter Jordan-Turner
I'm looking at the ongoing site works where the Central Library used to be, and remembering using the reference section a few years ago. The building seemed to be potentially iconic, but sadly let down by its surroundings. I like the new Library very much - but the drastically curtailed opening hours hint at problems similar to those you outline for the previous building.
I used to love and hate the city both at the same time as a teenager and I probably still do now. Getting lost in the dark trying to find that club, wasted and the joys of being jumped in some piss riddled subway! Taking the market out lost the bullring and the city center its soul, it was a vibrant and colorful place full of life. I think architects need to think further down the line of how (not how they) think their beautifully planned places will become. Brum and Coventry are two examples of this. But as the writing in the Custard Factory says "This city is a work of art". Love it or hate it, Brum is my home.
Damian B
Much of Birmingham's current hi-rise is empty or getting there. They seemed to want to compose a city skyline using the most gobsmackingly obvious, cliched template they could muster (for the cheapest price). It's not London. It's not a buzzing Shanghai. It's a halfbaked, bigheaded mess. But could tell me: is this lucrative to the council in some way, such a building initiative? Do they get something upfront? because that seems to be the MAIN motivation AND source of all problems in this godawful town: cheap, short-sighted revenue. Bulldoze, compress the worthwhile bits (ha ha... mini tower block?) and convert to farmland.
Iqbal Basi
The proposed development to replace the Central Library site seems of a kind found in any world city; sterile, unimaginative architecture; and does the City need more offices? Whereas the Central Library, like the Rotunda and Alpha Tower amongst other features, is what makes Brum unique; the building should be preserved and put to good use. As already suggested by some, turn it into a self-funding Tate Birmingham with emphasis on local arts, music, drama and culture - and a place to house the many local historical artefacts looking for a new home; and complement the art gallery and museum across the square. Efforts must be doubled to persuade suitable investers to come in and buy the building, e.g. such as the Chinese money pumped in elsewhere in the City recently. A renovated Central Library building could be the place to showcase say Chinese culture; we may even see the odd terracota warrior. So there's an international dimension too. Now that would move Birmingham forward, at hardly any cost to local taxpayers.
I'd be torn on this one. This city was so much fun for a poor youth in the 80's/90's. I've seen much and explored extensively, including the many miles of canals (often underground). But it is brutal, in a real, felt way it is actualy brutal.
Catherine Croft
I still think this is a fine building which could be refurbished. Demolition would be an enormous waste. There is still time to think again. Text
John Hupp
Just goes to show that even the most idealistic, utopian architecture can be ruined by a couple decades of government neglect. Obviously the only solution is to privatize it, tear it down and replace it with something blandly commercial. FWIW, I can think of two other (much more successful) Brutalist inverted ziggurat buildings: the Whitney Museum in New York, designed by Marcel Breuer, and the Geisel Library at UC San Diego, designed by William Pereira. I'm sure there are others; it seems to have been a fairly popular typology. I think Britons just have a peculiar distaste for Brutalism.
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