Let’s Remind Architecture and Design Organisations of Their Support for Black Lives Matter

Let’s Remind Architecture and Design Organisations of Their Support for Black Lives Matter

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Black Females in Architecture, Migrant’s Bureau, Design As Protest and Failed Architecture have created a list to keep track of responses (or lack thereof) from architecture and design organisations to the Black Lives Matter movement.

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Black Females in Architecture, Migrant’s Bureau, Design As Protest and Failed Architecture have been developing a list of responses from architecture and design organisations to the Black Lives Matter movement. Forming part of a larger collection of anti-racist tools and series of actions initiated by Design as Protest, and following the lead of the Arts Organisations on BLM list (organised by Layemi Ikomi and hosted on The White Pube website), the list is intended to remind architecture and design organisations of their declarations of support (or lack thereof) for the Black Lives Matter movement and its objectives.

You can find the list here (best viewed on desktop). As it remains a work in progress, we gladly invite people to add information to the list through this Google Form.

Many architecture and design organisations have made statements of explicit or implicit opposition to racism. We aim to compare these statements with the actual behaviour of the firms and institutions in question, and push these declarations further by getting their authors to acknowledge the ways in which architecture and design enables police and state violence and discrimination against all Black and Brown people globally, including—but not limited to—trans, queer, gender nonconforming, intersex, mobility-challenged, and neurodivergent people and communities. As The Movement for Black Lives has stated, “Cisheteropatriarchy and ableism are central and instrumental to anti-Blackness and racial capitalism.” These systems form the toxic foundations of architecture. It is only through centering liberation for all that architects and designers can heal and build anew.

Black Females in Architecture is a membership network for Black women in the built environment globally.
Migrants Bureau is a multi-disciplinary social design & urbanism practice for disenfranchised & migrant communities.
Design as Protest is a collaborative effort co-organized by BIPOC designers that exists to hold the design profession accountable in using our collective power to reverse the violence and injustice that architecture, design, and urban planning practices have inflicted upon Black people and communities.
Failed Architecture is a platform for architecture and spatial criticism. Its aim is to reconnect architecture with the real world. By opening up new perspectives on the built environment, its editors seek to explore the meaning of architecture in contemporary society.
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