Tim is an assistant professor in Urban History at the University of Amsterdam, focusing on the urban redevelopment agendas of American and Western European cities during the postwar era. Before, he worked as an assistant professor in Architectural History at Amsterdam’s Free University and as a visiting scholar at New York’s Fordham University, the Institut für raumbezogene Sozialforschung in Berlin and Leicester’s Centre for Urban History.
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The Far Right’s Obsession With Modern Architecture


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From Mies to Bjarke: Ten Moments in the Manly History of the Architect’s Model



How Amsterdam Resisted the Sellout of its City Centre


Insuring the City


A Memorial to the Highs and Lows of Social Housing


FA#12: Former Dutch Ministry of the Interior

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FA#11: A Brutal(ist) Assault on Amsterdam’s Inner City?

Damrak 70 before redevelopment

Bijlmer: a Reputation Blown to Smithereens?

Screenshot 2018-05-17 14.00.47 (1)

The Rebuilding of a ‘Hornet’s Nest’ in Kaliningrad

House of the Soviets

Back to the Future in Amsterdam’s Bijlmer Estate

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Failed Architecture #07: Ruin Porn


Failed Architecture #05: Riots and Architecture


Failed Architecture #03: Failure as a Matter of Politics

Failed Architecture #02: Taste and Modernist Architecture


The Downfall of British Modernist Architecture

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