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Reclaiming the Red Light District will take place on Thursday May 27 at 9pm on De Wallen, Amsterdam’s famous historical center. While the neighborhood used to be incredibly vibrant and exciting, the authorities have for many years tried to bring this “unruly” part of the city under control. As they see it, the “urban jungle” needs to become a “monumental garden”, which has also led to the mayor’s proposal to evict sex workers from the area. Since the pandemic, the crowds have left De Wallen and its sterilization and normalization has continued.

De Wallen should not be silenced. It is time to revive the crowds, bring back the sounds and celebrate its chaos. Reclaiming the Red Light is an invitation to rehearse how to be present, move around and swarm with many people again, featuring a warming up by Mohamed Boujarra and music by MC Mustaj.

Out of the cloud, into the streets!

Failed Architecture, Tools for Action + Floor

* Reclaiming the Red Light District is fully corona proof, as all participants keep a distance of at least 5 meters from each other. If you would like to join, please send a text or signal-app to Floor (0618740441). You will receive all the practical information and the location one day before.

* Reclaiming the Red Light District is the third FA Situation in Amsterdam (more about #1 and #2 here) and fits within the current covid regulations for rehearsals in public space.